The Ilisarniq Series is a series of workshops for Inuit artists, curators, writers, and art administrators to learn new skills and expand their practices, organized by the Inuit Art Foundation and Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership. Each online event provides Inuit artists with highly accessible tools, resources, and peer mentorship between Inuit artists to support learning about different parts of the arts landscape.
Upcoming Workshops
Check the IAF Calendar for upcoming workshops in 2024!
Recordings of some workshops are available on the IAF YouTube channel, while the others are available exclusively to Inuit artists through the Developing Qanuqtuurniq: Artist Portal (DQAP).
You can also find information and videos from the 2020 De-ICE-olation series of online Inuit artist-led workshops and presentations here.
▶ Past Ilisarniq Workshop Topics
Inuit Throat Singing
Revitalizing Inuit Tattooing
Working with an Art Dealer
Inuit Artist Meet n Greet
Starting a Small Arts Business
Elevating Your Profile as an Artist with IAQ
Digital Art, Painting in Ones and Zeroes
Film Editing
Careers in the Arts
Applying to the Kajungiqsaut Grants
Pricing Your Artwork 101
Ulu Making with Ken Mackay
Applying for Canada Council for the Arts Funds 101
C.V. Writing for Inuit Artists
Writing Artist Statements and Biographies for Inuit Artists