Tegan Voisey

Tegan Voisey


Tegan Voisey, working from Summerside, Prince Edward Island, designs clothing, jewellery and various other crafts. Voisey is able to balance family life and art with the new addition of digital art to her workflow. “I have two kids and I just wasn’t finding as much time to be creative because I couldn’t bring up my materials as often. So I picked up digital art as a way that I could stay creative while being active in my children’s life.” She’s says. [1] Working alongside her mother, Patricia Voisey, the Mother-Daughter duo run an online business, The Littlest Inuksuk. Crafts made with a northern theme, Voisey fills a gap in the marketplace for an underrepresented area.

Voisey also uses artwork to connect to traditions she grew up disconnected from. Moving away as a baby, Voisey never had the experience she could have. She says of growing up separate from strong incumbent influence “I felt a disconnect to my culture. Because I did feel that disconnect for so long I didn’t really come into my identity until we went back to Labrador.” [1] After returning and spending some formative years in Labrador, Voisey affirms, “I had to renew those interests in culture and tradition. What I [make] most frequently would be Ulus or Inuit Tattoos, mostly because I find them very beautiful. The Ulu being the woman's knife, was something that I [could] connect to.” [1] Voisey aims to create a modern twist on traditional imagery. With her sights set on writing and illustrating a children’s book, she continues to draw, create and tend to roots taking hold of her renewed cultural landscape.

This Profile was made possible through support from the RBC Foundation’s Emerging Artists Project.

Artist Work

About Tegan Voisey


Graphic Arts, Jewellery

Artistic Community:

Summerside, Nunatsiavut, Inuit Nunangat

Date of Birth:

Artists may have multiple birth years listed as a result of when and where they were born. For example, an artist born in the early twentieth century in a camp outside of a community centre may not know/have known their exact date of birth and identified different years.